Read About This Proven Way to Sky Rocket Your Chances of Getting Into Medical School


If you’ve been receiving these Letters from the Doc from the beginning, then by now you should have a much better understanding of whether a career in medical science is for you or not.

The strategy I’m going to share with you today is not intended to trick or fool medical school reviewers.

They’re all geniuses with decades of experience. They’re the gate-watchers of the medical world, and even if someone does get through the gates (somehow), this career path has a brilliant way of weeding out the losers during med-school itself.

That’s why there’s such high drop-out statistics, and if someone drops-out they waste LITERALLY tens of thousands of dollars, not to mention an entire year of their life.

So it’s important to be very sure.

Ok. I had to say that before I share this precious secret with you.


I want to run a scenario past you, and please slow your brain down, and read every sentence carefully, and take time to imagine the scenes in detail.

The following is a true story…
I want to introduce Stefanie to you.

She followed the following steps to kick-start her medical career:

Step 1:
She purchased The Apprentice Doctor Courses. In her country, the course was more expensive because of the exchange rate.

Step 2:
She took two weeks and completely worked through the interactive CD-ROM, step-by-step, meticulously.

Step 3:
When she was finished, she went to a hospital near her home and showed her certificate to the manager, who hired her to help out with basic medical tasks after school.

Step 4:
She studied hard, and every other day after school, she would work at the hospital, using what she had learned in The Apprentice Doctor Medical Course.

Step 5:
She started her pre-medical studies.

Step 6:
She passed her Medical School Admissions Test

Step 7:
When she applied to medical school, she was met with extremely fierce competition, as is the case every year. Although her grades were good, they were not as high as many of the other candidates.

Would you like to know what happened to Stefanie?

Well, find out next week, when I will be sending you part two of this story…

No, only joking. I wouldn’t do that to you!

The medical-school’s reviewer who was interviewing her looked precariously at her scores, periodically looking at her over the top of his glasses, perched on the edge of his nose. She says she felt very nervous.

A month later, she got a letter of acceptance from the medical school.

They commented on the fact that, although her scores were not as good as many of the other candidates, her service at her local hospital was the tipping point, the straw that broke the camel’s back, which convinced them that she was well-suited for this lifestyle.

So let’s run through this process, and why it worked…

Reason 1, you have certainty!

Many hospitals have a volunteer program. If you join their program, and spend time in a hospital, helping the staff and the patients, you’ll get a good idea of whether or not that environment is for you.

Maybe you’ve got a fairytale idea about what it’s like being a doctor. Doing this step will save you months and tens of thousands of dollars by giving you the real picture, before you direct your entire life into this direction.


Med-School interviewers also know that if you have volunteered at a hospital or a doctor’s practice and you’re still keen on following a career in medicine, you’re obviously a better candidate than those who have not taken this step. That doesn’t need explanation.

Reason 2, you have fans!

Another thing about Stefanie is that, the manager who hired her, as well as all the doctors and nurses that she helped over the course of the year, wrote letters of recommendation stating how talented she was at what she did, and how good she was with the patients, and how she loves people and wants to help.

She added a copy of these letters to her file that she presented to the medical school for review.

Some of these doctors and nurses had gone through the same medical school, and the reviewer took their letters very seriously.


If she hadn’t worked at a hospital, she would not have had any of the above benefits.

Without The Apprentice Doctor Courses, she would not have had the skills to help out with basic daily medical procedures and tasks, so she would not have gotten the job.

She would not have been able to gain real-life practical experience on real patients.

She would not have been able to make as effective a decision as to whether this was TRULY what she wanted to do for the rest of her life.

She would have simply been another wannabe med-school applicant with above average grades.

Do you know how it feels to practice real medical examinations using the medical instruments that you get with the package.

If only I could show you how much you’d learn, and how much it will help you in your quest to become a doctor.

All the best until next time,


Dr. Anton

 Read About This Proven Way to Sky Rocket Your Chances of Getting Into Medical School
Dr. Anton Scheepers, BChD, MDent, FFD(SA), MFOS, President of The Apprentice Corporation

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